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Happy June!

Happy June and Happy RECOVERY!

The Orange Health Care Family is pleased to report a full recovery of all of its in-house COVID cases. These residents are enjoying the NEW normal; one on one outdoor time with staff, a little gardening, open room doors and a bit more freedom within the facility on the Recovery Wings.

Many of you have heard whispers of possible outdoor visitation being allowed by DPH. We understand that these guidelines will be coming out either over the weekend or early next week. The preview is strict and limiting but it will be something and as soon as we get it I will inform you of how we will be instituting it here at Orange.

We continue to encourage window visits, Skype and Facetime calls. For our residents on the Recovery Wing DPH has now said we can have the window partially up as long as both the visitor and the resident are masked and a safe distance is maintained. We have seen a few of you "peeping Toms and Tina's" and it seems to be working well. Just let us know, with a phone call, and we can have your family member masked and ready by their room window when you arrive.

Until we meet again. Stay Safe, Stay Well and Stay ORANGE Strong!

Sincerely, Andree

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