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Respiratory Therapy

Patients with acute and chronic conditions such as COPD, pneumonia, emphysema, asthma, and more benefit from the expertise of our on-staff respiratory therapist, who manages our Pulmonary Rehabilitation program along with our physicians, nursing, and therapy staff. 

Services include:

  • One on one care with a licensed Respiratory Therapist. We will work with you to help you increase your lung function or to help prevent sudden drops in oxygen levels. Education is reviewed on each session and we work with you on breathing exercises using a variety of devices and simple techniques that can help you.
  • Respiratory services for those patients with respiratory conditions who may require airway management, oxygen administration, and pulmonary hygiene.
  • Follow up upon return home for patients who have completed their pulmonary rehabilitation program. 
  • Oxygen titration
  • Collaboration with physicians to determine best respiratory medications

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